Christian Counseling

Deep within each one of us is the unquenchable desire to truly become the person that God created us to be.

Struggling with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, relationship issues, stress, PTSD / trauma, or other issues, can steal from you a life of satisfaction and enjoyment, keeping you from realizing a full life in Christ.

At Pattison Professional Counseling and Mediation Center, we have experienced Christian therapists who can treat almost every area of mental health and address your spiritual needs, helping restore you to the person God created.

Christ-centered Counseling is Key to Spiritual Healing

Beneath the layer of our individual life circumstances, we all share a common brokenness. As Christians, we believe that Jesus came down to earth to restore us to wholeness and bring us back into a right relationship with God and our neighbor.

Healing and restoration is a process that is begun here and will be brought to fulfillment in heaven. Through Christian counseling, we encourage you to face your hidden pain and invite Jesus in to facilitate healing. Jesus, with your consent and cooperation, will gently and lovingly bring healing and restoration in a way acceptable to you.

We Treat a Variety of Issues Using Christian Counseling

For nearly three decades, we have offered Christian counseling to clients who feel that their spiritual health is key to recovering from:

No matter what your situation is or how hopeless it may seem, and no matter what has happened to you in the past, the Christian therapists at Pattison can offer you hope and guide you to living a more fulfilling life.

We Offer You Many Different Types of Christian Counseling Services

Christian counseling is not a one-size-fits-all type of therapy. We recognize that, as a person of faith, you may have struggles with shame and guilt, fear of rejection, or fear of sinning and we want you to feel comfortable exploring your faith while on your road to recovery.

Pattison Professional Counseling and Mediation Center offers the following types of Christian counseling services to help you work towards healing and restoration in a setting that is loving and nurturing:

Have a question? Don't be afraid to ask.

Our mission at PPCC is to be involved with sympathetic objectivity in aiding our clients to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their circumstances for the purpose of leading a fuller, richer and more meaningful life.



259 East Oakdale Ave.
Crestview, FL 32539
tel. 850-682-1234
Map and Directions

Fort Walton Beach

7 Vine Ave. NE
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
tel. 850-863-2873
Map and Directions