Low Cost Divorce

A relationship is ever-changing. Some changes may be temporary, such as marital separations. Other changes may involve more distinct breaks, such as divorce.  These transitions in a relationship are rarely easy.

At Mediation Solutions, we assist couples with these transitions by offering mediation services that are both affordable and less stressful. Our low cost, non-attorney mediation solutions can save you thousands of dollars over a traditional separation or divorce and provide a peaceful, neutral environment to assist you in working out issues such as custody, child support, assets and debt distributions.  We can even help you develop a financial agreement should you wish to remain apart while you contemplate divorce or reconciliation.

How does it work?

Divorce mediation begins by both parties agreeing to meet with a mediator who will open communications between the parties to assist each individual in making decisions about their finances, family and future. Each individual can choose to have an attorney present or have no attorney at all. The mediator will discuss the issues with each party separately and privately, working to resolve any disagreements and help you to come to a solution. Keep in mind that you do not have to argue or fight out the agreement before you come to mediation. It is fine if you disagree. The mediator is trained to resolve disagreements by finding a middle ground and will help you work through any conflict about these issues, keeping open lines of communication between both parties. Once you have reached an agreement, we will prepare the agreement for you to sign and file with the court system.

In a traditional separation or divorce in court, where the judge makes the final decision on matters important to you, the final ruling may be made without input from either party. A mediated divorce creates an agreement that has been worked out by both parties and is unique to your situation – not a cookie-cutter solution offered by the court system.

What if I am already divorced but need to change my agreement?

If you already have a divorce agreement in place, we can help you modify existing agreements, including parenting plans, child custody arrangements and time sharing. Once you have agreed to a new arrangement through mediation, we will provide you with the documents needed for you to file with the court.

How much does it cost?

Mediation Solutions offers low cost divorce mediation that saves you hundreds and even thousands of dollars over a traditional court-ruling divorce. Through a contractual arrangement with the First Judicial Circuit court, we are able to provide mediated divorce solutions at discounted fees with a reimbursement by a county-funded assistance program. The fees for our services can be as low as $60 per individual party, depending on your income. For indigent couples, our services are free and our fees are reimbursed by the county. Our fees do not include the price for filing with the county Clerk of Courts.

It is important to understand that Mediation Solutions does not offer legal advice. Read our disclaimer to understand more about your legal rights in mediation and the mediation process.

Have a question? Don't be afraid to ask.

Our mission at PPCC is to be involved with sympathetic objectivity in aiding our clients to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their circumstances for the purpose of leading a fuller, richer and more meaningful life.



259 East Oakdale Ave.
Crestview, FL 32539
tel. 850-682-1234
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Fort Walton Beach

7 Vine Ave. NE
Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548
tel. 850-863-2873
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